Guidelines :

Project Appraisal:

Two models regarding appraisal of the project are envisaged; in case Financial Institutions are contributing to the cost of the project then the appraisal done by the Financial Institutions can be accepted by Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion, and in other case no contribution from Financial Institutions is forthcoming, the proposal will be appraised by Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion through an independent agency and funds will be released on paripassu basis with contribution from the stake holders.

Project Monitoring and Evaluation:

Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion will periodically review the progress of the scheme , carry out mid course corrections if required , take steps to ensure achievements of the objectives in the scheme and carry out an independent monitoring and evaluation of the scheme for its continuance in the Eleventh Plan.


Constitution of Apex Committee

Secretary, Deptt. of Industrial Policy and Promotion. Chairman

AS&FA in the Ministry of Commerce & Industry Member
Economic Advisor, DIP &P –do-
Representative, Planning Commission –do-
Representative, Ministry of Science & Technology –do-
Representative, Department of Commerce –do-
Representative, Department of Heavy Industry –do-
Representative, Ministry of Small Scale Industries –do-
Representative, Ministry of Textiles –do-
Representative, Ministry of Food Processing Industries –do-
Representative, Ministry of Information and Technology –do-
Representative, Ministry of Power –do-
Representative, Ministry of Chemicals & Petrochemicals –do-
Representative, Ministry of Surface Transport –do-
Representative, Financial Institutions –do-
Secretary, Industries, State Government of the cluster concerned –do-
Representative, SPV of Industrial Cluster/Industrial Association –do-
Respective R&D Institution associated with the project –do-
Joint Secretary, IPP Member Secretary –do-

Details to be submitted for selection of Cluster/Location

1. Name and Location of cluster

2. Nature of products

3. Number and size of units

4. Scale of investment

5. Information relating to output during the last 3 years


Present Level

Expected after proposed intervention



Sales Domestic Export(customs figure)


6. Whether diagnostic study /Bench mark survey conducted Main findings( in brief)
7. Information relating to identification of gaps
Critical gaps identified
Physical infrastructure
Gaps to be filled through the IIUS ( with details )

8. Central assistance sought
Break up of fund requirement for proposed activities

9. Gaps ,if any, to be filled through assistance from schemes of other Ministries( give details)
10. Information relating to implementation schedule
Bar chart of activities
Year wise phasing of expenditure
11. Information relating to Special Purpose vehicle (SPV)
Registered under Company Act /Society Act
Article of Association
Agreement with stake holders
Revenue generation mechanism for sustainability of assets
Guidelines for up front service charges
Contribution from stake holders
% sharing by individual units
12. Whether leverage of funds through FI’s envisaged
13. Completion period
14. Monitorable targets
15. Employment
Present Level
Expected after proposed intervention
16.Number of Beneficiaries.